The Evolution of Security: Adapting to Change

In the ever-evolving world of security, the past decade has witnessed dramatic transformations, with the pace of change accelerating significantly in the last five years alone. These shifts have left many businesses grappling to keep up with the evolving landscape. However, amidst these changes, the core objective of the security industry remains unwavering: safeguarding lives and property.

At Premium Investigations, we recognize the need to stay abreast of these shifts and adapt to the new security paradigm. In this blog post, we highlight some fundamental changes in the security industry and provide insights into how businesses can navigate this evolving landscape.

Working From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic redefined how we work. Hybrid work is the new norm. Securing a traditional worksite is relatively straightforward, as security is centered on a single location. Extending protection to work that occurs in employees' homes or public spaces where they choose to work presents a formidable challenge.


  • Encourage employees to perform tasks involving confidential information within the office to centralize security needs.

  • Implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to safeguard your business's information and servers digitally.

  • Develop a contingency plan for offsite security breaches, including emergency contacts, data lockdown procedures, and damage mitigation steps.

Technology in Security

The integration of technology into the security industry has been nothing short of revolutionary. From biometric locks to facial recognition and the adoption of smartphones as communication tools, technological advancements have reshaped security practices. However, rapid tech adoption has also led to new security threats and even corporate PR crises when breaches occur.


  • Incorporate proven and reliable security technology into your systems to enhance security without added risks.

  • Adopt proven, reliable technology into your security methods. There are some pieces of security technology have stood the test of time. Starting with reliable technology can enhance your security efforts without increasing your risks.

  • Adopting new security technologies requires increasing levels of due diligence. Thoroughly research new security technologies and consider potential pitfalls. It's important to understand whether the gains are worth the risk.

  • Ask an expert. Those of us in the security industry have a lot of experience with security technology. We can help you navigate through all of the options available.

Moving Beyond the Stereotype

The perception of security officers as large, imposing figures intervening only after an incident is outdated. The modern security industry has evolved to include a diverse workforce, with women playing a vital role in various security roles. Additionally, there's a growing emphasis on proactive security measures, de-escalation tactics, and responding to medical emergencies.


  • Recognize that security officers come from diverse backgrounds and genders, all contributing to the field's effectiveness.

  • Prioritize proactive security measures, de-escalation tactics, and medical emergency response in modern security training programs.

What's Ahead

The security industry will continue to evolve, and Premium Investigations remains committed to staying ahead of the curve. We are continually researching developing technologies, monitoring industry news, and training our security officers to provide top-tier services to our clients.

Together, we can forge a more secure future for your personnel and assets. Contact Premium Investigations to schedule an executive briefing and learn how your business can adapt to the changing security landscape. Reach out today.

Greg Heider